The Centenary Souvenir Booklet 1874-1974

Published April 1974

Foreword by David Jones

“… upon this Rock will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew chpt16 v18.

It is now 1974, hundred years since our Church was founded. Why does it still stand? Tabernacle stands as a building, and as a living testimony, because the men and women who attended through the years, together with we who attend today, still believe that Jesus Christ is the foundation of our salvation and our life.


I am sure that each member who belongs to the Tabernacle and who is part of the one family in Christ, is proud of the historic past which our Church has. We can trace through the pages of this book the way God has led and guided His people to make the right decisions when decisions had to be made, and to make the right stand when a stand had to be made.

When we pause to look back, let us remember that those people of old were people who were constantly marching forward in His footsteps. Our responsibility today’ is to carry on with the witness and testimony which was started in the Tabernacle in 1874.

Beginnings – 1874

The stage on which the first acts of our Church drama were played was that of Porth, but the Porth of a hundred years ago. Characters passed from the scene for many a long year were then the happy children whipping their tops and playing their marbles in its few streets.

In those days, quite often, on Sundays or Holy days, a ‘brake’ loaded with roisterers would be seen wending its rowdy way towards towns and villages beyond the Welsh border, where intoxicating drinks could be bought to their hearts’ content. Sunday clubs had not been thought of, and the public houses in Wales were shut, so this was their method of getting their enjoyment.

In 1872, two years before the actual beginning of our story, there were but few English Baptists in Porth. Those few frequently attended the services of the Wesleyans, as they could not understand the Welsh of the Welsh Baptists.

Occasionally the few English Baptists would Amend their way to a small room over a certain ‘stores’ in Dinas, somewhere near the Dinas Station. In that unpretentious temple they bowed their knees to Him who is no respecter of person or of place. The leading spirit in this little band was a young man of twenty-two years of age, by the name of Thomas Jones. He was to become later Alderman T. Jones, J.P., of Penrhiwceiber and President of the East Glamorgan Association of English Baptist Churches.

When they could no longer have the ‘stores’, the little band met in homes opened up for them. They would meet for prayer and meditation in the Sacred Scriptures. Tabernacle’s roots were planted in the hearts that loved the Bible intensely.

Ultimately it was decided to apply to the Llanwonno Board Schoolroom, which later became the Porth Boys’ School, for the purpose of commencing and establishing an English Baptist Church in Porth. The band succeeded in obtaining the use of the schoolroom for p reaching services, but not for Sundav School purposes. So the Welsh Baptist Church at Salem offered the use of the gallery of their chapel for this purpose. This was gratefully accepted. With these arrangements then, the Porth English Baptist Church was established on 4th January 1874.

The members were:

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davies

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones

Mr. John Poulsom

Here the work started, and the blessing fell. The congregation in the schoolroom increased, and continued to increase. At last it was thought advisable to secure sufficient ground in Hannah Street where a small vestry could be built, which at some future date could be enlarged into a more spacious edifice.

This was done. The land was secured. The few brethren dug out the foundation for their future vestry in their spare time. Like Nehemiah’s men, “they had a mind to work”. The building was soon erected by Messrs.Charles Jenkins and Son, Porth.

Enthusiastic meetings were held to celebrate the opening, and the young Church enjoyed her bright day of small beginnings on 11th July, 1875.

At this period a distinct epoch in the history of the Church emerged. Now housed in a commodious building, with many strangers seeking her fellowship, it was thought advisable to seek the services of a Pastor.



Rev. DAVID THOMAS, 1875-1878

The first Pastor to head the list of the Pastors of Tabernacle was Rev. David Thomas. Mr. Thomas was a weaver by trade. On week days he could be seen bearing a wooden pole on his shoulder, from which hung the bag containing his home-made wares, as he went rounding up his customers. But his shuttle and his loom by no m eans dimmed his sensitiveness to spiritual things. Life’s problems are not all met with and solved in classroom or cloister, but also in the daily round and common task.

This gracious man was also a bard, and his bardic name was Dewi Ogwy. He was greatly beloved by his flock, but the records are scant, and there is now no-one left who is able to speak of this weaver-bard-preacher. His ministry was a fruitful one. The little assembly was prospering on every hand. At last it became necessary to lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes. The building was enlarged with much prayer and faith. When completed, it was called “The Tabernacle”. The opening celebrations were held on the 4th and 5th November, 1877. The converts before those days were baptis ed either in the Feeder or in the river at the bottom of Hannah Street. The first to be baptised in the Chapel was Mrs. Llewellyn of Cymmer.

The life of Mr. Thomas, however, seems to have been a strange mixture of romance and tragedy. On Sunday, 20th Oct ober, 1878, he was expected to preach at Argoed. The congregation came, but the expected herald of the cross was not in the pulpit. That day, an eloquent sermon was preached from an empty pulpit. Mr. Thomas, on his way to Argoed the previous night, had lost his life in a train collision at Pontypridd. To some kind friends trying to help the dying pastor in the midst of the wreckage, he said, “Leave me alone, see to the others.” These were his last words, a glowing testimonial to his life.



Rev. JOHN DAVIES, 1878-1879

The next year the second Pastor of the Young Church was called to office. The Rev. John Davies became minister of the Tabernacle. But, after being in charge for only a few months, he too was called Home. The Church was once again without a Pastor.



Rev. OWEN OWENS, 1880-1896

The calamities which had befallen the six-year-old Church had weakened her very much. She had only narrowly escaped becoming a total wreck. However, with undaunted faith , another Pastor was called to fill the pulpit. This was Rev.Owen Owens from Pontypool College. When Mr.Owens took over the Pastorate, the congregations had become so small that the Sunday Services were being held in the vestry. To this disadvantage was added another, namely, the crushing debt incurred in the building of the new chapel.

The arena where the difficulties were fought out was the same place where they have been fought out ever since – the prayer meeting. The burdened few poured out their he arts in supplication to God, knowing fully their own weakness and inexperience. Gradually, by faith and prayer, the power of God began to absorb the weakness of man, and Tabernacle began once more to move on from strength to strength. In faith, the tiny c ongregation moved back into the chapel. This act of faith was rewarded. To their great joy, the congregation grew, until, in a short time, the Sunday evening services were held in a full house. In these crowded gatherings God worked in mighty power, wh ile the week-night prayer meetings was the power house of action. The debt problem also was solved and Tabernacle now became a veritable ‘hive’ of workers. \par \par In 1896 Mrs. Owens was found to be in failing health. The doctors advised that the Pastor and his w ife should go to South Africa. It was thought that the South African climate would benefit her. The Pastor had to announce this painful decision to the Church. It was received at first in dazed silence, then with a storm of grief. In sixteen years and Mr & Mrs.Owens had greatly endeared themselves to the flock. The membership had grown under Mr. Owens\rquote ministry. The membership when he resigned was 253. During this time, too, the Baptist Church at Bethany, Ynyshir was started as a branch of the Tabernacle, and also the Church at Penuel, Trehafod.

Also, one young man, Mr George Brown, had taken up work as a missionary in the Congo, and another, Mr. Arthur Evans, had taken up full time training for the ministry. So, in its own neighbourhood and abroad, Tabernacle was spreading out its roots.

Mr. and Mrs. Owens left for South Africa, but it was not long before Mrs. Owens passed away. Mr. Owens remained in South Africa, labouring for the Master in Johannesburg.





For two years the Tabernacle was again without a minister. In 1898, however, the Rev. Prince of Danygraig, Swansea, was invited to the Pastorate and accepted the call. His ministry was predominately one of loving persuasion and active loving care. His was an attractive, loving and warm personality, and we find that he drew many to the Master and to the Church by this love of Christ, which constrained him.

He loved to get into closer touch with the people, and put into practice schemes by which this could be achieved. He organised ‘cottage’ prayer meetings, and a “Look-out Committee”, whose function was to find and invite to the services those who did not worship anywhere. He loved to meet and help all sorts and conditions of people in their homes.

Twenty-three years had now passed by since the opening of the Tabernacle. The building was in need of painting and decorating. As has been done many times since, the members willingly set to and did this task themselves. Hearts and hands thus saved the Church many pounds, and were amply rewarded by the fresh appearance of the Sanctuary.

Meanwhile, these were days contingent upon the Welsh Revival, and the chapel was becoming too small for the congregations. Eventually, in 1903, a resolution was passed to enlarge the chapel. Acting upon all architect\rquote s advice it was decided to add a new wing, This plan was at a cost of £1,280. During this period the great Welsh Revival had broken out and was sweeping in mighty power throughout the land. Many in Porth who never used to enter a Church door were now blessedly saved and sought fellowship it the Tabernacle. We read and have heard of wonderful baptismal services, lasting through morning, afternoon and evening services until 10 o’clock at night.

However, the physical strain was now telling upon the Pastor. In 1906 he was so ill that he handed in his resignation. The Church would on no account accept it. Instead, they released him from pastoral work for the time being in order that he might have a chance to recuperate. This rest period lasted for two years. At the end of this time, when medical advice was sought, the doctor advised that Mr. Price should not take up his Pastorate again. The news that their Pastor must leave them, and for s uch a reason, was received with consternation. Few pastors have been able to win the love of their people as did he.

There was great sorrow, indeed another storm of grief’ when the break was made. Mr. Prince left the Tabernacle in 1908. Later he was able to take up the ministry again with a pastorate at the Maesyberllan Church in Breconshire. He laboured there until recent years. He has left many tender and loving recollections among those who knew him.




For four years after the departure of Mr. Prince, Tabernacle was once again without a Pastor. On June 11th, 1911, it was decided that the name of the Rev. J.W. Hart of Shrewsbury, be submitted to the Church with a view to the Pastorate. On 3oth July, 1911, Mr. Hart was duly elected, and early in 1912 he took over the Pastorate.

During the interregnum the Church had somewhat degenerated, as so often happens. The membership had decreased, and the children’s services on Sunday evenings had ceased to function through lack of workers.

But, with the advent of Mr.Hart, new life opened up once more. The various organisations became active again, and gradually the Tabernacle began to recover from the pastorless years. Decline is a hard thing to arrest , and harder still to convert into progress. Nevertheless. under God’s blessing, this was being done. The Church was almost clear of the shadows, when storm clouds began to gather once more. The Great War, August 19I4, was declared. This deeply affect ed the life of the Church, the community, and especially of the youth. \par \par Mr. Hart had come to Porth from Shrewsbury, a garrison town, stiff with militarism. The needs of the men at the front appealed irresistibly to him. Therefore, in April 1915, he applie d to join the Army as Chaplain. In June of that year he went away to the war as chaplain in the King’s uniform. The departure of Mr. Hart was received with much regret, for though he had only been in Tabernacle for three brief years, his ready helpfulne s s and companionship with the young people had greatly endeared him to all. Occasionally Mr. Hart would return from France to occupy his pulpit at home. But as the war dragged on, he insisted that his resignation should be accepted. So the Tabernacle on ce again entered a bleak and barren period.



Rev. RHYS BEVAN JONES, 1919-1933

From 1915-I919 the Church was again pastorless. But on September 1st, 1919 it was decided to approach the Rev. R. B. Jones, and invite him to become the Pa stor of Tabernacle. Mr. Jones had been approached previously, but could not then see his way clear to accept the call. So when on 28th September, 1919 Mr. Jones accepted the call, the Church at Tabernacle was jubilant. Rev.R. B.Jones was one of the mig htiest preachers of the Gospel that Wales has had the honour of rearing. \par \par It was during his ministry that the beloved “Sister Sutherland” was appointed as Deaconess to the Church. She is still remembered as the guide and mentor of our youth by many of us today.

These were vivid and exciting years. Battles for truth in many places were fought and won, halcyon times of blessing came down, sometimes we thought we were at the very gates of Heaven. Many truths, some startling, some challenging, some comfortin g, all intensely gripping were poured into our understanding. We met great men and women, from home and foreign countries, such as the Sadhu Sundar Singh, Madam Karinskaya, Pastor Fetler, Dr. Shields of Toronto, Sir William Ramsey, F. B. Meyer, Rev. Herbert Lockyer and many, many others.

Young people would crowd into the vestry afterwards, with autograph books, to shake hands, have a word and signature from those wonderful people. \par \par While the Tabernacle went out boldly against the Lord’s foes, she herself grew greatly in numbers and in grace. The membership went up to more than 5oo, the Sunday School went up to 7oo, and had to be held in two sessions.

It was at this time, too, that the Church at Mount Pleasant was inaugurated under the auspices of the Tabernacle. It is now carrying on, on its own, but is ever loyal and devoted to the Mother Church from which it sprung.

What of the Tabernacle now, since those glorious years have fled ? It has seen many changes, it has experienced times of leanness and tim es of plenty. However, we are thankful to let it he known that one thing has never changed in the slightest degree, and that is, the strong sound of news going forth of a Saviour willing and able to save.

The blow was soon to fall. After thirteen and a half years of wonderful ministry the beloved Pastor, Rev. R. B.Jones, became fatally ill and in April, 1933 was called Home. The news of his passing rocked the town and his funeral in itself was an historic occasion.

The Church had also sent more mission aries forth. In 1923 Mr. Tudor Jones was dedicated for missionary work abroad, and sailed to Japan, where he laboured for many years. How thrilling it has been in recent months to meet Mr Jones, as he officiated at our Sunday services at Tabernacle. He is now in his seventies, but how buoyant and vital in mind, spirit and body! How he still rejoices in his salvation! I imagine he could say, along with another writer, “I am higher in hope, deeper in faith and better in health than at any other time in my life”.

Less than a year after Mr. Jones’ dedication, two more answered the call to missionary work. Miss Nancy Russell was called to missionary work in Ireland and Miss Lily Jones, the Pastor’s daughter, to missionary work in Japan. Now, of course, Miss Russell is known to us as our very dear friend Mrs.Trevor Griffiths and she lives among us. She has the oversight of the Church Ainon, at Ynyshir, carrying on the work of her late beloved husband and our affectionate friend Rev.Trevor Griffiths. Miss Lily Jones married Mr. Tudor Jones. They worked faithfully and happily in Japan for many years, until Mrs. Jones was called to lay her burden down and depart to be with Christ which is far better. Mr. Jones is now Pastor of a Church in Vancouver. The ir work in Japan is nosy being carried on by their own children, in this way does God blaze the trail.

If all were to be written of the Tabernacle’s story during these years we would need many volumes indeed. Suffice it to say that it was a period so rich , so vital, that it will never fade from the memories of those who had the joy of living through those days.



“Here then our story must end. Hitherto hath our Lord, led and helped us. Ahead lies the impenetrable future, the Tabernacle of the present and the past we know, but the Tabernacle of the future has yet to be known.”

The hand that penned those words has lain still for many a long year. But now, fifty years later, another hand takes up the pen




Rev. HAROLD CARTER, 1935-I937

How did this affect the Tabernacle? Well, we read of breathings of praise and thankfulness to God for the rich gift the Church had received for all those years, and the wonders that God had done. The story is one of praise and of continuing expectation from God. The Church ministry and business was maintained by the former Associate Pastor, Rev. G. Ll. Jones, Mr. R. B. Jones’ son, for many months, until arrangements could be made. Decisions had to be mad e, business had to be transacted, and the work and witness had to be maintained. But again and again we learn that meetings and more meetings were given up to prayer. No resolutions were put forward, prayer was the chief concern of’ deacons and people.

This being so, we find in I935, complete unison in the call of Rev. Harold Carter to the Pastorate of’ Tabernacle. Mr. Carter began his ministry as Pastor of Tabernacle on Sunday, November 24th, I935. This pastorate Continued until November I937, when Mr .Carter took up his work at the Liverpool City Mission. This was a work very dear to his heart, and it was well-known beforehand, that when this opening came, Mr. Carter would take it.

This was a period in the Church’s history of’ plodding on; we can talk of no spectacular events; nevertheless, the word was preached faithfully. The people grew in grace, people were called to service, and souls were born again under this gracious man’s short ministry.



Rev. F. S. COPLESTONE, 1938-1953

The oversight of the Church at Tabernacle next fell to the lot of Rev. S.F. Coplestone of Rhydyfelin. Mr. Coplestone had formerely been a student at the S.W.B.T.I. under the Church’s former beloved pastor, Rev. R. B. Jones. Rev. Coplestone settled in t o his new home and Church in October, 1938. A reception tea and welcome meeting were held, when greetings were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Coplestone from each Church organisation. It was a time of happy fellowship in those early years of ministry.

In Sept ember, 1939, the bomb fell – only too literally. Our country entered into war with Germanv. This means a long and dark passage in our Church history at the Tabernacle. Strange language creeps into the accounts of the meetings held. We hear of provisio n being made in case of enemy action during services; of a deacons’ meeting being broken up because of a bomb falling in the vicinity; of meetings being postponed or cancelled; of difficulties due to “the black out”, and of young people constantly leaving, being called up for action in the various armed forces. Later, we were to hear of more dreadful things-of young men, such as David John Williams, Ronald Poulsom, Mervyn Poulsom and Albert Forte, laying down their lives for their country’s sake.

There was also the industrial depression to contend with. Work had been scarce for a long time and many families had moved away. It was a hard, dark time. Yet we hear of good things too. We hear of help being given to the needy, at home and abroad,- of the fee ding of necessitous children; of writing to young people in the forces; of faithful work being done.

But the strain was very great. Congregations became smaller and smaller, hearts began to fail and interest wane, as a great spirit of depression and letha rgy fell. In 1944 we hear of the Officers and Pastor calling a special meeting for leaders and teachers in all organisations and all who were interested for re-dedication and deepening of spiritual life. This meeting was well attended and given heed to, as the Pastor pleaded for more depth and holiness in his people, in life and example.

The Sunday School also suffered during these years. No more did we have the two sessions and a school of 700. The numbers went down as low as fifty to sixty. But the teachers were faithful and the pure Word was still taught. The Sunday School Anniversary Services were still held, and the Young People’s Demonstration Service, although many impromptu alterations had to be made often, of which no-one was conscious but t he organisers.

These were sad, hard years, from Pastor people alike.

The war ended in August, I945. With what thankful hearts we heard the news! But, what havoc and disruption it had caused in Church life, social life and personal life. A renaissance was badly needed.

In December, I953, the Pastor brought us the news that he was leaving the Tabernacle. He had decided to accept an invitation to become Secretary to the Society for the Distribution of the Scriptures to the Jews. His ministry ended on th e last Sunday in I953. He had been Pastor for manv difficult years. He had preached long and faithfully. ever seeking to instruct the people in the truths of the faith.



Rev. J. VINCENT, 1955-1961

So once again the Tabernacle was left without an earthly shepherd. But once again the miracle happened. It seemed as if the difficulties through which the Church had been, now bound the members together in a deeper head}{ of fellowship, and a deeper sense of responsibility.

The Officers took upon themselves to do the visiting and look after the welfare of the Church. Lady district-visitors were once again appointed.

Then, one Sunday morning in I955, the longed for breath of life seemed to infuse itself into the congregation, Rev. J.Vincent of Cardiff was preaching. He spoke of the presence of the Risen Christ in the midst. The congregation was deeply moved.

On September 19th, I955, after much prayer and thought, the Deacons recommended that Rev. J. Vincent be asked to accept the Pastora te. The Church agreed. It is recorded that there was a “remarkable unity of spirit” at that Church meeting, which ended with the doxology. The renaissance was upon us, the deathly sleep was passing. So, the Church entered into its Ninth Pastorate. The harmonious unity of spirit-and shall I dare to sav-of love, set the atmosphere for the ensuing ministry. The love in the heart of our Pastor and his wife deepened in texture and strength, the love of the people for them, for each other and for the Lord.

The Induction Service was held on November 10th, 1955. The Church at Salem kindly lent their vestry for the induction tea, as that at Tabernacle was too small, and not very well equipped. The sisterhood freely provided the tea. The Manse at 62 Cemetery Road was purchased, and now we find a Church galvanised into new life. Volunteers came forward to paint and decorate, and jobs were done at the Manse

In spiritual things also there was new interest. The Bible Class was formed, in conjunction with th e Prayer meeting, on a Monday night. The Children’s Hour, always a strong meeting, with a gathering of never less than 70-80 children met on a Tuesday night, also the Young People’s Guild met on a Tuesday night. The Sisterhood was held on a Thursday nig ht. The Sunday School began to pick up slowly, though this was a longer, harder fight. We also had a Converts Class once more.

The Church also gradually branched out into more outreaching projects, such as Guest Nights, a Children’s Mission, and an Inter -Varsity Fellowship Evangelical Team Campaign. Unfortunately in this Campaign, the Asian ‘Flu was widespread and the students went down with the sickness in relays. Fortunately, when one lot was down, another lot was up. Our memory of Mrs. Vincent, who was local doctor as well as Pastor’s wife, is of her setting out every night at 10.30 p.m. with stethoscope and bag to administer tablets to, and take temperatures of afflicted students. The Church and the students were very blessed in all these efforts, even if they seemed unfruitful outwardly.

In November, 1958, the Pastor’s Anniversary Services were held. The Rev. Harold Carter of’ Liverpool, our former minister, was the Guest Preacher for the occasion. On the Saturday evening a Church Social Evening was held. Friends were glad to avail themselves of the opportunity to renew friendships with Mr. Carter.

In December, 1959, it was realised that the Church building was in serious need of redecoration, modernising and decoration. Much thought, prayer an d discussion was given as to the structural alterations to be made. There was also the question of how to find the money to finance these, plans. Eventually all was planned and the Pastor appealed to the Church for the necessary funds. He asked in Dece m ber for members to give private and personal notes of promise as to how much they would be prepared to offer for this work. These promises were to be redeemed by April, 1960. While the work was in progress we worshipped at ‘Arosfa’, the Old Peoples’ Hal l at Dinas Road.

When the work was completed, we had a beautiful church, and the promises had been, most royally redeemed. There was no debt to shadow the brightness of a new start. The Church had been most tastefully decorated and modernised. The pulpi t area was opened out and carpeted in blue, the old rail being taken away. New blue cushions and a blue fall adorned the pulpit, and beautiful new blue curtains hung from the windows.

The new pulpit furniture comprised a Communion Table of oak, one carve d centre chair, and four side chairs. The whole Church was glowing, as the light streamed in above the delicately painted mural above the pulpit, and the music sounded out from our new organ, we all said in truth: “Oh Worship the Lord in the beauty of Ho liness.” A special service of dedication and thanksgiving was held, as we left the Old Age Centre and came back to our beloved Tabernacle.

In February, 1961, Mr. Vincent received a call to the Pastorate of the Church at West Wickham, Kent. He told the Chu rch of this at the Annual Church Meeting. He said that he felt that he had accomplished the work to which he had been called at the Tabernacle, and felt the need of moving on. There was genuine sorrow at parting with the family at the Manse. The pastor and his wife, and Joy and Grace, had made themselves dear to all. But no man must be held back from what he has come to know is God’s will for him to do.

So, on Thursday, April 30th, 1961 a farewell service was held. Presentations were made and farewells , were said. As the family left Porth early on a Tuesday morning, the good wishes and prayers of the Church followed them, and another chapter began lin the history of Tabernacle.



Rev. MORRIS BIRD, 1962-1968

The deacons and the faithful workers carried on once more. The Church prayed and worked and waited until May, 1962.

Then it was decided to approach Rev. Morris Bird of Bristol, whom we had now met several times. Mr.Bird accepted the call to the Pastorate, and the Induction Se rvice was arranged for October 13th,1962. The tea was arranged by the sisters of the Church and set out in Salem vestry, kindly lent to us. It was again a happy occasion, with many well-wishers present, including Mr. Vincent, our former pastor, Rev. Tre vor Griffiths, our dear friends from Mount Pleasant, and Pastor Evans of the local Elim Church. So, the Tabernacle Church once more got into real harness for another season of worship, work and witness.

Perhaps this Pastorate could be called the Pastorate of Re-organisation. Under Mr. Bird’s leadership, various departments were streamlined. The Sunday School was divided into three distinct departments, the Primary, the Intermediates and the Seniors. Each department had its own service of worship under i ts own leaders and used its own teaching media. The Children’s Hour, which was still a flourishing meeting, with a steady nucleus of 60-70 children, was divided up, as Mr. Bird formed a junior Girls’ Group and a junior Boys’ Group out of the older age-gr oup, while the small children still met in the Children’s Hour. The teenagers met in their Young People’s Group on a Friday evening.

Mrs. Bird took on the Presidency of the Sisterhood and the leadership of the Sunday Afternoon Primary. She carried out th ese duties very ably, and we all came to appreciate very much, her willingness, her work, her sincerity- and grace, Before long there was another family at the Manse as Andrew, Elizabeth and Debbie made themselves known and loved among us.

In May 1968 Mr. Bird informed the Church that he had accepted the call to the Pastorate of’ the Millbridge Church at Minehead. He believed it to be a call of God, and his ministry at the Tabernacle would terminate on Sunday, 10th August. A farewell tea was prepared; o nce more presentations were made and farewells said, as we wished the family every blessing on their new venture.



Rev. H. TAYLOR, 1971

This history has now brought us up to the present day. To whom now could we turn for a minister and leader? The pulpit engagements were filled by a succession of Godly ministers, none of whom, however, seemed to be the one destined to fill the vacant pastorate.

At this time, our own Church Secretary was himself passing through a crisis in his own spiritual growth. Mr. Bert Taylor was more and more becoming convinced that God was calling him out to full time pastoral ministry. He had been trained for the ministry at the Glasgow Bible, Training, Institute, but tip to the present time he bid not fe lt any call to specific church ministry. He was known and loved at the Tabernacle, being a natural leader in spiritual things in our times of waiting, and choice as a preacher on the many occasions when he had ministered for us.

Eventually it dawned upon some, of the deacons, that here was the man to meet our need. The early Church, when in need of an earthly shepherd, appointed one from their own midst. one who was bone of their bone and flesh of’ their flesh. So Tabernacle, ever willing to follow in t h e footsteps of the early church, decided to do the same thing, and to engage our own Barnabas from within our midst, instead of’ a stranger from a distant town. So, Rev. Herbert Tavlor was ordained and inducted to the ministry at Tabernacle on March 6th, 1971.

Does it workwherever He may find hearts fully attuned to His will., perhaps you ask? We answer-God works

Precious times of’ blessing are being experienced at the Tabernacle. The vestry is full on a Tuesdav night for the Prayer Meeting, where one may feel the breathing of the atmosphere of the presence of God. How wonderful if the numbers would increase and flow even into the other rooms! The children\rquote s work in all departments is vividly alive. There is a band of dedicated young people, active and growing in grace. One feature of the life of’ the young people is the established practice they now have of going together each September for a holiday in fellowship and worship at the Christian Conference Centre at Filey.

The Sunday Services are a time of real worship and studying of God’s word. We have been gladdened and strengthened by the coming into our midst of a group of friends from Treorchy. Their story is told later on.

There are also some innovations such as Children’s Church on Sunday morning at 10.30 a.m., which picks up the threads again, where they were fraying with the old Sunday Morning League. The Young Wives’ Fellowship is also an innovation

This meeting is held on a Thursday morning, and seems to be a valuable means of outreach to young women in the district. Coffee mornings, lately formed, also serve this purpose. The methods are different, but the message is ever the same, that of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. The Sunday School is busy and happy every Sunday aftern oon. You might hear a record-player or a tape recorder, or a guitar, but make no mistake, the lesson has been given from the Word of God .

A word must also be said of the alterations in structure made in the back premises. We can now boast of a fitted kit chen, and a minister’s parlour. They are not very big rooms, but an enormous amount of work has been done in them, often with much laughter and perspiration, as well as prayer.

So the story of the Tabernacle at present is one of happy fellowship, of much work and witness, and, biggest thrill of all, it is a story of souls here and there coming to know and trust in Jesus Christ as Savour and Lord.

What of the next fifty years? We do not know; the problems and difficulties, the joys and the sorrows, the trials and the triumphs are hidden from our eyes. But this we do know-

He who has blessed, will bless

He who has led will lead

not just for fifty years, or a hundred years, but for ever and ever.

Let us finish this narrative with praise to the Lord Jesus Christ, whose we are, and whom we serve.

Far back across the years He came

His living presence like a flame

By Hermon’s Mount and_Jacob’s Well

The glory of His Being fell.

May we all continue to know this living presence and this glory, and then the story of the Tabernacle will go on from strength to strength.

Messages from the Church of 1974


One cannot write a history of the Tabernacle without remembering many a face, beloved and now in glory. Their names stand out in the annals of our Church history and we would like to remember them now.

We think of Mr. Tozer, praying for those who “might have had t heir apple-carts upset” during the day, and for the women who found it difficult in those days to “make two ends meet”. We think of Mr. David, old and yet ever renewed within. Of Mr. Anthony Dew, slender and white haired in his ninety-third year, small in stature but a giant in spirit. We are glad to have his daughter, Miss Elsie Dew, still worshipping with us. We think of Mr. Price Lewis, as historic in his way as Secretary as Rev. R. B. Jones was as Pastor.

We shall never be able to forget Mr. Charles Vaughan (Charlie), eighty years old, still rosy and smiling, and drawing the children to sing like angels. There was Mr. James Edgar Jones, faithful and true.

There was Mr. Morgan, the roadman, storing up lessons for us, as he swept up the leaves in the street.

We think of Mr. David Vaughan, sturdy and active; we think of Mr. Redwood, sincere and deliberate in word and deed, of Mr. Ben Davies, deep in his knowledge of Bible truths and graphic in his teaching of them. Of later years we think of Mr. Timothy Morgan, gracious in person and character. These were all deacons in their time, and leaders in Church life.

We think of many more, well known and loved, their faces pass before our mind’s eye as we write. We have missed them all, but we are glad as we remember that they are now, as we shall be one day, mingling in glory with the great cloud of witnesses about the Father’s throne.



While the main avenues of outreach are contained in such activities as hospital work, campaign work, personal work and Church activities, there has always been, and still is, a strong missionary interest in the Church at Tabernacle.

Down through the years in our history there have been some who have been called out to full time Christian work. We think of our old friend Mr. Richard Russell, called to work in the Liverpool City Mission. Who can forget his sermon to us, on “the great and hindering family of the yes-butters”? We pray God’s blessing upon him now in his frailty and ill health.

There was also Mr. Bill Price Lewis. He ministered for some years in London and is now doing work of great spiritual value as he teaches as Head of Department of Religious Knowledge at the Greenshaw High School, Surrey.

We think also of our friend Andrew Phipps and his wife Elaine in their work at their church in Newport, as Andrew teaches at Grammar School as well.

Overseas missionaries, city missionaries, and deputation workers are frequently in our midst. They tell us of their work and experiences in many places. We support and pray for them all.

We have our own special interest in this sphere. By 1965 one of our own young people from within the Church, Miss Margaret Morgan, felt the conviction that she was being called to enter foreign missionary service . She was already a trained nurse. She therefore took missionary training at the Mount Hermon Missionary College for two years. Eventually, after many\tab farewells and some tears, Margaret sailed away to Bangkok and Thailand. We remember her Faithfully. We have been thrilled to see her back on two occasions, aid to learn all about her life and work in Thailand. Now she is nursing at the leprosy clinics at Palas and Saiburi.

We thank God for her obedience to His will and her grace in undertaking this unatt ractive work. We pray for her very much as she binds up the disfiguring scars of disease, and seeks to heal the even more disfiguring scars of sin with the story of the Saviour’s love.



Miss Margaret Morgan

Although living thousands of miles away, in a different country with different climate, customs and culture, still feel very much a part of the Fellowship in the Tabernacle. It is as if there is an extension of the Fellowship rather than a separation, a breaking away. In Genesis we have the verse “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring’ his branches run over the wall”. A previous pastor serving at the Tabernacle likened me to a branch running over the wall! If this is so then the church at the Tabernacle is that fruitful bough by a spring. What a lovely picture this is. How wonderful is God’s plan that by the prayers of His people at home, nourishment might be drawn from that eternal Spring and flow to Thailand, bringing blessing and fruitfulness to myself and God’s work here.

Our work in South Thailand is amongst the Malay Moslems, and the Thai Buddhist people. Both groups are very different, with their own language, culture and religion. But they are similar in that they adhere to the faith which is f amiliar to them, and are slow to accept the truth of the gospel.

As at the Tabernacle, we are celebrating the mature a-e of one hundred years, the Malay church is just emerging. Now only about one year old! There was much joy as we witnessed the first baptisms in I973. \par \par If the Malay believers are compared to babes, then the majority of our Thai believers could be compared to infants. Many have come to faith in Christ within the past ten to fifteen years. How much these who are young in faith, need the concern, love and support that the elder sister church at home can give.

If a theme arises throughout this centenary book I am sure it will be the one of God’s faithfulness. As we look back over the past years we are forcibly reminded that “He abideth faithful”. As I left to go to south east Asia in 1964 the verse the Lord gave me was from Isaiah 54 “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on you.” This has proved to be true. His love is as steadfast as ever, His peace grows deeper, and His compassion never fails.





It may seem strange to find that in reading the ‘Porth Story’, the story of the Tabernacle in this year of Centenary, we are confronted with a Treorchy Story’. Why a Treorchy Story in the middle of a Porth Story? Strange it may seem to many, yet when we reflect upon the Scriptures and upon our own spiritual experiences, we should lot be surprised to find much that is strange considered only with human natural reasoning.

Some of’ the Lord’s people in Treorchy were certainly confronted with strange events and experiences. But God ever takes the acts of men and turns them to His own glory. For the folk in Treorchy there was a time of’ waiting while God did His “turning”.

There came a visit to the Tabernacle in Porth for an Easter meeting on a Good Friday. We were welcomed by the Pastor at the time, Rev. Bird. The welcome was warm and it was obvious that there were those there who loved the Lord. \tab As the time passed, there were other visits. These became so regular that they ceased to be visits, and “The Tabernacle”, Porth became the spiritual home for this group of’ Treorchy Christians. Home is where a family dwells, and strange as it may seem, these Treorchy Christians are at home in Porth.

Treorchy people going to chapel in Porth! How ridiculous! All the way to Porth from Treorchy! Doesn’t make sense!! (God sending His only begotten Son to earth to die! How ridiculous! All the way from Heaven to Calvary! Doesn’t make sense!!)

Christians in Porth, Christians in Treorchy, and God speaks, “The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another. In what place, therefore, ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye, thither (Neh. 4: 19, 20). The trumpet was sounding. It has been heard now in the Tabernacle for a hundred years! May it continue to sound, may we hear, listen and respond.

There is a “Porth Story”, there is a “Treorchy Story”, but when all has been said, it is really all His Story. \par \par It is proven scientifically that the distance from Treorchy to Heaven is exactly the same as that from Porth to Heaven. Amazing, isn’t it?




We consider the Sisterhood to be a very important organisation of the Church. Over the Years it has been many different names, such as The Women’s Guild, and The Women’s League, but it is now known as The Sisterhood

Although it has had many names, this meeting has had but one purpose-to study God’s Word, and to meditate upon it, so that each one of us might grow in the Christian life. We also wish to witness to the people around us, and to have a greater concern for those who do not know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

On Thursday evenings at 7 o’clock, between twenty-five and thirty ladies, mostly members of the Tabernacle, gather together to praise and worship God, to study His Word and to have fellowship one with another.

The meeting is led by Mrs. Taylor, the Pastor’s wife. First we have a time of chorus singing, led by Mrs. Iris Allen. Then we have a time of prayer, a reading of the Bible and hymn singing. Then we have our message for the evening.

In the Tabernacle, we are privileged, by the grace of God, to have a number of people who are gifted speakers. Also, the Pastor willingly comes whenever needed and expounds the Word of God to its. From time to tim e we have some speakers from other Churches also. It is good to share fellowship with other Christians, for we are all members of His Body.

Once a year we have a Sisterhood Supper, when the deacons and their wives are invited to join us. Each of the dea cons contributes something to the service, a talk, a testimony, a reading, a solo, a prayer, or maybe just a thought. With a sense of God’s presence in the midst, these evenings prove to be a happy time together, linking the Sisterhood with the Church.

The Sisterhood serves the Church in many ways. On special occasions, when refreshments are needed, or tea provided, it is the Sisterhood that gives its services in this way. Then a number of the sisters used to see to fabric of the Church, du sting, scrubbing and polishing to a fine shine. Now this is done capably and cheerfully by Mr. & Mrs. David Williams.

As a company of sisters in Tabernacle, we all say-

We’ll Praise Him for all that is past,

And trust Him for all that’s to come.




Porth in the year 1970-prosperous, materialistic, careless, seeking for satisfaction in spending, beer and bingo, and never finding it. A notice appears on a Church notice-board asking for, three or four young people who are: 1, Dedicate d Christians; 2,Possessors of reasonable voices; 3, Prepared to learn to play an instrument to form a group;. This was not to bring pop music into the church, but to bring Jesus Christ and His living harmony to the people of Porth and the Valleys. Now we have the Group including three young ladies, a squeaky voice, a medium voice and a growly voice. We also now have three guitars, a tambourine, a little musical knowledge and plenty of enthusiasm.

We set Out to teach the people of Porth a lesson but we have ended up learning a few lessons ourselves. First, whatever we do in this life for God cannot be done in our own strength, we need to pray and ask God for help. Second, if we try and Put ourselves first, as it is easy to do when appearing in Public, God is not glorified. Three, we had to learn the hard lesson of self-discipline with regard to practices. It was not until we came to realise how much Jesus Christ had done for us, and how little we were doing for Hirn that we surmounted this setback.

God is opening doors for us to witness for Him in this way of song, that otherwise would not be opened at this time. We are very glad of this, for we want everyone to know that Jesus loves them, would have them repent of their sin and seek new life and peace in Him.




I received the Lord Jesus Christ as rny Saviour 22nd June, 1922. God never told me what was before me, or what I should expect

I moved to Porth and joined the Tabernacle Church on the 11th November, 1926. It is a wonderful thing to be a Christian, but it is ‘something responsible to be called to the office of a Deacon.

When I was asked by the late Mr Price Lewis to accept this office, I tried to get out of it. I felt I was nor good enough and tried to get out of it, I felt I was not good enough, and I needed rnore experience. One day, however, I came face to face with the Pastor, Mr. R. B. Jones. What a day of fear and trembling that was! Mr. Jones said, “If God is calling You to be a Deacon, you cannot run away from Him.” So I went home and read 1st Timothy, chapter 3. After talking about the matter to my wife, and after praying, I accepted the office. I was consecrated as a Deacon on January 10th, 1932.

I served under Mr. Jones, Mr Carter, Mr. Coplestone, Mr. Vincent, Mr. Bird and our present Pastor, Mr. TayIor.

The first time I sat at the Communion Table was on February 7th, 1932. What a band of men there was there in those days. 1 shall never forget that time. I sat by Mr.,John David and Mr. Anthony Dew, and I was called to give out the Communion for the first time that night. John David was great-grandfather to Mr. Michael David, one of our, present deacons. \par It was during these years that Mr. Wallace Adams and our present Pastor, Mr. Bert Taylor were called to be preachers of the Gospel.

I have always been drawn to the work of visiting the sick and the old people of the Church, and the environment. It has been a real blessing to me many times to bring a word of’ comfort and prayer to brothers and sisters’ w ho have suffered so long and yet kept a testimony and a witness to the end.

There have been great men and martyrs who have taught us many things. I have seen men and women since I have been a deacon in Tabernacle, who were not great preachers or deacons, but who have preached to me by their lives man times when I have paid them my usual visit. I would like to mention Miss Rachel Jones, and her last words to me “Mr. Isaac, be of good cheer.” I would also like to mention Mr. Percy Evans, and his last w ords to me, “God bless You Mr. Isaac.”

The office of a deacon has been a rich and rewarding experience to me, and I have been blessed by the fellowship I have shared in as a member of the Diaconate.




Down through the years singing has been part of Church worship. It has often been blessed by God in the Gospel appeal. \ When there is good congregational singing, an atmosphere is created which makes the preaching of God’s word easier.

The Spirit of God works in many ways, through the song of an individual, through the singing of the congregation or the singing of’ a cho ir, singing forms part of many an Evangelistic Campaign, such as the Billy Graham Campaigns, and the Don Summer’s Campaign at Pontypridd, in which we have recently joined. All through the Bible we read of the singing of’ praise to God. In the Old Testament we read of the Song of Moses in Exodus I5; there is much praising in the Psalms, as in Psalm 100 .2, “Serve the Lord with gladness, conic before His presence with singing”. In the New Testament in Colossians 3-16 we read, “Let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord”.

Since an early age I have been interested in music, such as singing and playing the piano and organ. Very often my mind goes back to the days when, being blessed with a Christian home, we used to go home after the Sunday evening service and gather round the organ and sing hymns before retiring. It was a wonderful custom and brought great blessing to our homes. How more wonderful still if such a custom were to be practised once more in our homes!

Since accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, I have placed the talent given me in His service. In endeavouring to perfect God’s praise in this way, I myself have been blessed. The words of St. Augustine are so true. “A hymn is a sea of praise of God. If thou praisest God, and singest not, thou utterest no hymn. If thou singest and praisest not God, thou utterest no hymn. A hymn then containeth these three things, song and praise and that of God.”

At times, the hymns of former days, though in Welsh, come to my mind, and together with the English hymns, they have been a source of comfort in times of trial and sickness.

My prayer is that what I have accomplished by God’s spirit may have perfected the praise of God, though in a small measure; not that -1 might have the promise, but that He who gave Himself for me may have all the honour and glory due to His Holy Name. May the Master use me ever to win precious souls for the kingdom through the instrument of song.

“Sing forth and honour of His name; make His praise glorious.” Psalm 66.2.




To belong to the fellowship as a member of the Church at Tabernacle is for me a precious reality, containing many precious memories.

This reality is all the more precious because it is founded upon the word of God. In the Epistle of John we read, “If we have fellowship with Him, we have fellowship with one another.”

When I think of Tabernacle, I think of it, not as a group of separate individuals, but rather as a family. This family is one of widely differing tastes and interests, and Yet bound together because we have the same Father and we worship the same Lord.

This feeling of belonging was truly felt by me during the Induction Services of our Pastor in March, 1971. There I felt in a special way that the Lord was very near to us, binding “the family” together. I suppose this feeling was heightened because Mr. Taylor was, as it were, one of the “family” whom God had chosen to lead the Church.

\par \par For him it was a personal act of dedication, and yet it seemed to me that we, as a “family”, had re-dedicated ourselves to the service of the Master.

We know that the blessings we received then were not limited to that meeting, for we experience them daily if we are in a right relationship with Him. \par \par As we, as a Church, step out into the future, how wonderful to know that the fellowship we enjoy now will grow and develop, for He has promised, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee”.



“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.”

How wonderful to be able to say this in a changing world. We change, but our Lord is always the same and ready to bless us. I am happy to say that I have proved this time and again in my life.

Tabernacle is the place where I was converted and received a new life through the Lord Jesus Christ and I have many precious memories of times spent there. In more recent days the most Precious times have been spent in the Tuesday night prayer meetings. One meeting in particular was a special blessing to me. This was the night when the Rev. John Dart visited us. Mr. Dart told us Of the time he had spent in London, and of the great work God was doing in the hearts of’ young people who call themselves Jesus people.

I was really challenged that night, hearing of these young people. They had had such little experience in the Christian life, they had such little Bible knowledge, but they loved the Lord deeply, and their only aim in life was to serve Him and help others to know Him.

I really felt that there was something lacking in my life. I felt that there was not enough love for my Lord and not enough service.

I prayed that the Lord would do a new thing in my life, that I might serve Him better. Praise God, He has started to do this. Glory be to His name.



I would like to share a most precious memory of a day in my life I will always remember and I shall keep in my heart for the rest of my earthly life.

It was the night I was being baptised, with two other people. I had already had great help from the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 7, verses 7 and 8,, ‘Ask and it shall be g iven you, seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh, findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” These are the verses that had spoken to me and they were going to b e my testimony. I was the last one to be baptised and as it came to my turn I felt completely alone. But the Lord was with me and He had something else to say to me.

A few days before I was baptised, someone at home had said in conversation that it was only natural that I, Ted, should be baptised, as five of the family had already been through the waters. But I knew this was much more personal. The Lord had come to me, Ted Franklin, not to five other people, and I felt wonderful. So this is the message I said to the congregation on the night of April 25th, 1971 and now I have a wonderful new life in my Lord Jesus Christ.



It is with great joy in my heart that I write about the many happy times I have had in the Tabernacle. \par \par The meeting I wish to speak of is the of is where the young people told of their experiences in Filey, I971. This meeting gave me a real blessing.

I can remember saying to myself, “I wonder what they have to tell us”. I sat in my seat and waited for the meeting to begin. Then we sang the first hymn. Afterwards Martin got up and said that Alun was going to tell us how he met the Lord. How wonderful it was to hear him talking about how he gave his heart to Jesus.

The Lord was there that night and we cried with joy as Martin told us about the life in Filey. It was really wonderful, the Spirit was with us all the way through that meeting. my heart jumped with joy to know what Jesus had done for them.

I’m sure that the friends there that night will n ever forget it. How wonderful it is to know that our young people are following the Lord. Please pray for them and for the Church so that God will revive each of our hearts and then more wonderful things will be done in the Tabernacle.



On a Sunday night not long ago, a group of us in the prayer meeting asked that God, through the Holy Spirit, would bring someone to know their need of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The presence of the Holy Spirit was very real that night, as I sat upstairs in the choir I knew that our prayer would be answered. Before the last hymn, Mr. Taylor asked that if anyone wanted to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savio ur and Lord, that the would come forward and sit in the front seat. As we started to sing Ted Franklin got up and walked to the front. As he did this, the tears just poured out of my eyes. It was a wonderful experience to see God doing a great thing because we had asked Him.

In this year, I have been praying that God will do another great thing, that the people I live with and work with, will see more of Jesus Christ in my life and will come to know Him for themselves. Let us be a praying peop le “asking in faith, nothing wavering”. James 1 v. 6.





So the great story continues. We have scanned what God has done in this Church through people over the, last hundred years. We are still in the Book of the Acts. This Living CHRIST by the Person of the Holy Spirit is still at work.

We start to write our next hundred years remembering history is HIS STORY. Our Past has been a wonderful one, our present is as wonderful. May we all so walk with our Lord Jesus that we shall witness the “greater works” which He spoke t o His disciples about and which He promises to us today. \par \par It is a great privilege to be a Pastor-a greater privilege to be a Pastor of such a people. We go forward together, conscious of our failures but conscious too of the presence of the Head of the Church with us, and remembering-

They on the heights are not the souls who never erred nor went astray;

Who trod unswerving toward their goals along a smooth, rose-bordered way.

Nay, those who stand where first comes dawn are those who stumbled-

But went on.

Titus 2, 13.

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great \par God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.





Founded ,and maintained to Preserve the truths of the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ as the only basis for salvation, and the authority and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures as the only canon of faith and conduct.



Pastor; Rev. H. S. TAYLOR


Ll. JONES 1946


J.H. Poulsom 1946


I. ISAAC 1951

M. DAVID 1970

J. DAVIES 1970

DW. JONES 1970



A. EVANS 1960

T. FRANKL1N 1974

T.I. JONES 1960


Secretary: D. W. JOXES

Treasurer: M. J. DAVII)

Registrar. J. E. DAVIES

Organist: LL. JONES

Assistant Organist: Mrs. B. JONES

Missionary Secretary : Mrs. G. MORGAN




Membership Commencing 1974 -143




10:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting,

10:30 a.m. Children’s Church

11:00 a.m. Morning Service

2.30 p.m. Sunday School

5.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting

5.45 p.m. Community Hymn Singing

6.oo p.m. Evening Service


6.oo p.m. Junior Girls’ Meeting

6.30 p.m. Junior Boys’ Meeting


5.30p.m. Children’s Hour

7.00 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting


Officer’s Meeting


10:00.a.m.Young Wives’ Fellowship

7.00 p.m Sisterhood


7.30 p. m. Young People’s Meeting & Activities



April 23rd, 1974

At the time of going to press it is necessary that the news should be recorded that our friend and sister, Margaret Morgan, our missionary nurse in Thailand. It was with a sense of shock that we heard that Margaret and her colleague , Minka, had been kidnapped at gun-point by guerrillas., Muslim separatists, fighting in the Pattini province, 500 miles south of Bankok. It is thought they have been taken into the jungle to nurse wounded outlaws. Her family, and we as a church, are waiting day by day for news of her whereabouts and her welfare. We are sometimes overwhelmed when we think of the dangers facing the two. We watch and pray for their release, and what rejoicing there will be when that day comes! One thing we are sure of, Our Heavenly Father knows, and he is able and mighty to save an d deliver. Margaret and Minka are safe in his hands, and he can work His mighty works even in the strange and deadly company of guerillas.

We pray that God will give them His wisdom and courage, and keep them safe and bring them safely home.